“As we speed along this endless road to the destination called who we hope to be, I can't help but whine, 'Are we there yet?'”
-- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Maybe a good day after all
Can't stop coughing and we're going to San Diego tomorrow and DD is sneezing and coughing too! BUT I did get a gift of an order today so somehow that always makes everything better. I was hoping to leave early today ...... so much to do with packing and getting the house in order before we leave. All the Passover stuff is out -- ugh, don' t really want to come home to that!
I am a married mother of one gorgeous daughter. I work full time at a job that is sometimes fulfilling, sometimes not. I have been called a "spiritual seeker" and I do seek, everywhere from a yoga class to my synagogue, although sometimes the seeking is done only at my local Jcrew!
Hi Jackie! Thanks for your comments about my hair. I actually just curl it and jam a bunch of bobby pins in it to keep it up, I did a tutorial here:
To give you an idea! Thanks for reading (and commenting!) on my blog! :)